Friday, May 4, 2007

4 Mai 2007. Paris.

Day 3 in Paris. Yesterday was spent going through my apt pulling out everything from the closets and from the "cave" below ground. I have about 10 bags of clothing to donate along with some random bits of furniture and other odds and ends for the house. I spent the morning pulling and sorting and took a lovely lunch break at the  Point St. Eustache with Olivier where my 2 favorites waiters still work and happily recognized and greeted me with kisses. How lovely! Then, I dragged Olivier back to my apt to help me sort out piles and we spent the better part of the afternoon pulling the stuff out of the cave and trying on all my clothes to see what we should keep as well as finding stacks of photos to pour over laughing, pointing out to each other our past goofy hairstyles and outfits. We left it all behind around 6pm to go meet with Ol's boyfriend Vincent and friend Jouli for a drink rue des Francs Bourgeois. Afterwards, Vincent, Ol and I went to eat at Le Bistro Vivienne not far from the Place des Victoires. I ate the steak tartare that I had been dreaming of for the last 6 months... amazing!

Today, back to the apt for more sorting and cleaning. A lunch break with Virginie and Olivier near Bastille. And tonight, maybe dinner with Marie Amelie...

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