Tuesday, May 8, 2007

One fish, two fish, monk fish, ugly fish

I originally tried to send this message from my phone, but as the data networks here are totally different than at home, it didn't work.

Visited with Ju's friends last night, they were nice although my total lack of french was a definite problem, it didn't stop us from playing a game where someone played songs from popular cartoons, mostly from the 80's and we shouted out the names of whatever show it was from. The words to the songs are different but I did okay recognizing the tunes.

For lunch yesterday I had a steak tartare, which is essentially raw ground steak served with an egg on top. It was delicious in the way that things are delicious when you're afraid of them, in other words, I went into it with a great deal of respect for the nearly living animal on my plate.

Today we visited with some of Ju's family way out in the suburbs, a very pleasant time, again minus my total ineptitude with the language. Another culinary first for me: monkfish or as her cousin Alain referred to it: uglyfish.  Highlight of the visit: playing legos with her 8 year old cousin, until he started shooting missles at me.

Tomorrow is another action packed day, lunch with Juliette's friends and then off to Rennes to visit with Gina and Damien.

Not broke yet but soon to be! Please send euros or emergency rations!

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